Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why Google + Should Be Your Social Network Of Choice!

Some people have speculated that Google+ has failed and some even say that it is already on the decline. I say that’s ridiculous! Google+ has come in as number 2 on the social media leader boards leaving only Facebook in the lead, which comes as no surprise seeing how Facebook has had a couple more years to get things right. However there is a reason for Google+ to take the number two spot over others such as Twitter or Instagram, Google+ changes it up a bit with a nice layout and new ways to share and bring your friends into other things such as searches on Google, despite bad public opinion Google+ is making it in the Social Media World.

If you haven’t joined Google+ yet or experimented with the platform, here are seven reasons why you should make Google+ your social media of choice:

1. Circles

The Circles function is by far the best way to organize all the different people you want (or in some cases don’t want) to interact with on a daily basis. Easy drag and drop interface makes it so that putting the right people in the right circle easy. Circles make it easy to share information with the right people. No more having your mom comment on that picture of you out at a college party with that girl….you get the picture. Effortless sharing is the name of the game and Google+ nails it. An added benefit of Circles is people can add you to their Circles without you having to “accept” or “decline” their friend request.

2. Communities

There is always that time in life when you are sitting there wishing you could talk to someone who is like-minded, or having the same issue, or just loves that same TV show as you. Communities make that wish a reality. Now you can go to the community tab, click on it and search your interests and to find the community that best suits your need. People are constantly posting discussions so there is never a lack of new material. I visited the Walking Dead Community and everyone was welcoming and excited for the new season. Communities is perfect for businesses to share news with their fans and really expand their user base. In the Android Community, for instance, there are thousands of people posting new news about Android or troubleshooting advice for different devices. And for each new topic there is a side tab in the community specifically for that interest. So if you have a problem, a love, a gripe, or an interest in something heading over to communities is the way to go.

3. Hangouts

The way Skype should have been. That is what I would call Google + Hangouts. Google Hangouts allows you to video chat with up to 10 people at once (including yourself), this is perfect for talking to the whole family, or getting in that quick last-minute group chat on the presentation you are going to give in ten minutes. It is the perfect solution for talking to multiple people (you’ll pay to be able to add more than one person on Skype!). It is also great for bands that want to share a live feed with one of their Circles, the live feed makes sharing videos even better. So if you're playing a gig at the local pub why don’t you get someone to video it through the live feed on Google+.  Oh, and did I mention that after your live broadcast is over Google+ will upload it to your profile page, YouTube channel, and website so that it can be reviewed and discussed for future generations to come. Yeah, it’s that cool.

4. Explore Tab

There have been hundreds of times while on Facebook or Twitter when I have been flooded with people’s information I really didn't want to see on my Feed. With the sliding button, it is simple to change your settings so that you only view exactly how much information you want. In the Explore Tab you can change how many posts you will see on your Home screen from the Explore Tab. The posts that appear on your home screen are your interests but with this little sliding button you decide if you want to see None of it, Some of it, Most of it Or all of the posts posted to your explore page on your home screen. The recommended amount by Google is "most" which has worked fine for me but everyone to their own.

5. Local

The Local Tabs basic function is to show you anything in your surrounding area that may interest you. It will show you restaurants, drug stores, shops, groceries. Another thing the Local Tab does well is showing you how other people have rated different stores and what their reviews were.  The Local Tab will also tell you what places you have searched for recently so that you may rate it or write a review. You can also change your location to check out places around where you may be going for your next vacation and because it is a Google product you can just zip to the top bar and go to street view to really take a look around.

6. Layout

The layout of Google+ is my personal favorite of all social media sites. A fusion of Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook, it features mixed-media content ranging from photos, to videos, to articles. You will find trending words and phrases (like Twitter’s # function) and comments bars (like Facebook). Google+ gives you everything you need in a Social Media site.

7. +1

Google really integrated Google+ into their ecosystem with their +1 feature. It would remind you of the like button in Facebook but spiced up a bit. Every time you +1 something you are suggesting it to anyone who you are in a circle with or is in one of your circles. The great thing about that is that when your friends are searching for something on Google and you have +1 a similar subject Google will show them your suggestion or +1 in their search. Now that you are armed with the knowledge of Google+’s great features you should check it out for yourself and maybe you’ll decide that it is for you. All I can say is early adopters always have it easier in obtaining a fan base or a large interest group so if that is something you are interested in head over there and start your own community or discussion because Google+ is here to stay.


  1. Don't forget to add a post describing the tech blog feed you added.

  2. Very well-written and convincing; maybe worth a try!

    1. Thanks Janice. You definitely should try it out. Especially if you are using an android device as your phone. I just got a nexus 4 and google + on it is great. Also it is refreshing to get away from facebook.
